About PHBP
PHBP is an employer funded group insurance plan providing health coverage for eligible freelancers and staff employees of AICP General Members in the commercial production and post production industries.
Membership in the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP) opens the door to participation in The Producers’ Health Benefit Plan (PHBP), an employer funded health plan available to eligible Freelance Production Professionals and Staff of participating Commercial Production and Post Production companies across the U.S. The PHBP is a fully insured multiple employer Plan, with Executive offices in Los Angeles, managed by BeneSys Administrators, the Plan’s Third Party Administrator (TPA), located in West Covina, California.
The Plan’s Trust was first funded by Participating Employers in 2007 and began offering coverage to non-union commercial freelance employees in the Production department in 2008.
In 2013, the Plan expanded to offer Participating Employers two Staff Coverage package options.
In 2018, with merger of the AICP and the AICE (Association of Independent Commercial Editors), the Plan now offers the same high quality comprehensive benefits across both the Commercial Production and Post Production industries.
To date, the PHBP provides Medical, Prescription, Vision, Dental and both Short and Long Term disability coverage to approximately 2,100 non-union members of the commercial production and post production industries’ freelance workforce and their families, and provides several optional coverage packages to over 1,800 of our Participating Employers’ staffs and their families.
PHBP contributions are due on all commercials, meaning a moving picture work regardless of method, means or medium of production or post production (whether film/digital/animation or other) that promotes or advertises a brand, product or service to the general public, regardless of the distribution method/medium/platform/channel. This includes Branded Content, Promos, Social Media and ‘Internet Only’ projects that promote or advertise a brand, product, or service to the general public. Music Videos are explicitly excluded.
The PHBP is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of both Employers and Freelance Employees, administered by a Third Party Administrator, and managed by an Executive Director who reports directly to the Board of Trustees. The Board has the responsibility of ensuring the Trust’s assets are invested and expended for the benefit of the eligible Participants in a fair, legal and prudent manner. Please see the Trust Information and PHBP Contacts pages of this site for more details about the Board and contact information for the Plan and its Administrator.
Now in its second decade offering high quality, low cost health benefits to the Commercial industry, the Plan and it’s Board of Trustees wish you good health and hope you find what you need on this site.